35%02011201920202021202220231003937353110075502548Organization of the Safety and Health Management SystemSocietyHead officeSafety and health chiefSafety managerHead office safety secretariatPlantGeneral safety and health managerSafety and Health CommitteeFire Prevention Patrol CommitteeSafety Consideration CommitteeOther committeesPercentage of Quality Incidents versus FY2011* 5S: Seiri (organizing), seiton (clearing up), seiso (cleaning), seiketsu (cleanliness), and shitsuke (discipline) in Japanese* Four plants: Agatsuma Plant, Kumagaya Plant, Tatsuno Plant, and Mishima PlantHead office safety secretariat and safety managers at the four plants*continue repeating these exercises to ensure the BCMS gains traction, as well as invigorating and enhancing our activities.(Fiscal years ended March 31)Zero-Accident CultureSafety is the top priority in LINTEC Group plants, which are oper-ated with the aim of preempting injuries to personnel. We have formulated safety and health policies in compliance with the ISO 45001 standard for occupational health and safety management systems, and our practices include risk assessment, which enables us to put safety standards in place; hazard prediction exercises; and the rigorous pursuit of our 5S* activities through various types of safety patrols. Safety and health committees hold monthly meetings at all our sites to enable us to ascertain the progress of our safety activities and share information. In addition, we have held a safety conference for domestic plant safety officers for the exchange of information about each plant’s initiatives. We will continue activities on multiple fronts in accordance with our zero-accident culture.Efforts toward Business ContinuityThe Group is working to strengthen its systems that enable busi-ness operations to continue or restart quickly if struck by a disas-ter. All the Company’s locations in Japan, subsidiaries TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC., and LINTEC SPECIALITY FILMS (TAIWAN), INC., have obtained certification under ISO 22301, the interna-tional standard for a business continuity management system (BCMS). In relation to these systems, drills are held to take into account the characteristics of individual sites so that in the event of a natural disaster or accident that disrupts business opera-tions, we can ensure the safety of our employees and then recom-mence the supply of products promptly, minimizing impact on our customers and other stakeholders. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, we conducted drills 482 times at 27 sites. We will Thorough Quality ManagementThe LINTEC Group is advancing the acquisition of certification under ISO 9001, the international standard for a quality man-agement system (QMS). We are unifying the previous quality assurance systems, which had been implemented by each business operation, into a single Group QMS, and we received certifications at 12 locations overseas. Furthermore, we are realizing rigorous quality management with daily inspections on the production front lines and, in addition, we continually carry out employee education targeting the maintenance and enhancement of quality and the prevention of quality-related issues. This education is provided for people working in produc-tion or sales. Also, with the cooperation of suppliers, we are making sure to control quality issues resulting from materials by stabilizing the quality of procured materials. When compar-ing major quality incidents by year, the fiscal year ended March 31, 2011, is set as 100 in an index of major quality incidents, and we reduced the level of the index to 31 in the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023. We construct and actualize management sys-tems that enable us to take swift action if a quality incident should occur, collecting information, analyzing causes, and working toward preventing a recurrence. This framework is in place in Japan and overseas.Fair TransactionsThe basic policy of the LINTEC Group is to conduct fair and trans-parent transactions with suppliers based on the principle of free competition. We conduct procurement activities in compliance with laws and social norms. In addition, we ask suppliers to con-sistently implement CSR activities from multiple perspectives, including respect for human rights, occupational health and safety, information security, and corporate ethics. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, we continued working to maintain and strengthen partnerships and to promote CSR procurement. Through the distribution of a questionnaire, we evaluated major suppliers in such areas as management, labor, service, business continuity plans (BCPs), and overseas response.
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