Integrated Report 2023

Shorter-hours program/flex-time systemJob Return System/career return systemPostpartum paternity leave (childcare leave at birth)Paid hourly leaveTeleworking systemMandatory retirement age of 65/retiree rehiring programSystem allowing second jobs and side jobsMain Personnel Systems for Ensuring Diversity and a Comfortable Workplace47In continuing and expanding our business, creating favorable relationships with all stakeholders is indis-pensable. The LINTEC Group continues working actively to develop amenable workplaces and strengthen relationships with customers and suppliers.Securing of Diverse Human ResourcesPeople are a vital asset to corporate activities. The LINTEC Group believes that diverse human resources are the source of innova-tion and help enhance corporate value. Accordingly, we strive to ensure workforce diversity. whole is relatively small, and our female manager ratio remains low. In recent years, however, we have worked actively to hire female employees, gradually expanding the pool of candidates to become key personnel in the future. From fiscal 2013 to fiscal 2015, women accounted for an average of 10.8% of new hires who were university graduates or higher. The average for fiscal 2016 to fiscal 2018 was 32.4%, which should further expand the group of candidates to become core human resources. We are also proactively hiring mid-career personnel. As of March 31, 2023, 42.9% of people hired mid-career (excluding local hiring by plants) had risen to the management level or higher, and 17.4% were at the supervisor level, which is just below the man-ager level. To secure highly skilled personnel, we have introduced the Professional Human Resource Certification System, which offers treatment separate from the qualification grading system applied to general employees. To hire non-Japanese personnel, we plan to encourage Group companies overseas to hire and cultivate local talent. People who are successful in these roles will then be invited to play an active role at LINTEC. We are currently laying the groundwork by identi-fying potential candidates and gathering information to assess their abilities. with human resource education programs tailored to years of continuous service and career. In addition, we are taking steps to promote the career advancement of employees, including theme-based training, such as legal training and Companywide informa-tion security training, as well as language training for the development of global human resources. Through such initiatives, the LINTEC Group aims to maximize the value of human capital.The number of women in the manufacturing industry as a LINTEC has a Companywide training system based on rank, Expansion of the Personnel SystemAs one aspect of our human capital management, we are expand-ing our personnel system to promote women’s activities and work-style reforms and encourage a work–life balance. In addition to long-term efforts to promote women to management positions, we are expanding opportunities for female employees, facilitating working even after such life events as childbirth, childcare, and nursing care by expanding our shorter-hours program for child-care and nursing care, and offering the Job Return System, under which we rehire employees who at one point left the Company due to childbirth, nursing care, or a spouse’s transfer. In October 2022, we began offering postpartum paternity leave, providing five days of paid leave. This program has substantially increased the per-centage of male employees taking childcare leave. To make the most of senior employees’ skills, in addition to raising the manda-tory retirement age to 65, we have introduced a retiree rehiring program that allows people to continue working to the age of 70. We are working to increase the rate of employment of people with disabilities by establishing specialized departments at our head office and research center to create an amenable working envi-ronment for employees with disabilities. In addition, we have established a flexible personnel system to align with employees’ lifestyles and career development. This includes measures such as allowing employees to take paid leave in hourly increments, formalizing the teleworking system that took root during the COVID-19 pandemic, revising rules to allow for second jobs or side jobs, and introducing a career return system. Under this new program, we rehire ready-to-work people who previously left the Company for such reasons as to change careers or study abroad. Going forward, we will continue working to improve labor produc-tivity by creating more comfortable working environments for all our employees.Society

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