m3/t1209060300202120222023202220212020202317916395.311,88347.25,7295,61714815911347.051.050.446.65,2775,6304,934929187540.3138550.3136440.314328.928.129.09180460.313692022430.31325202330.827.3200100201920202001 Water Usage Per Unit (Water Usage Amount/Paper Production Tonnage)2019*1 Scope: LINTEC Corporation (head office, 10 production sites, and the Research Center), TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC., SHONAN LINTEC KAKO, INC., and LINTEC SERVICES, INC.*2 Scope: LINTEC Corporation, TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC., PRINTEC, INC., LINTEC SERVICES, INC., and LINTEC COMMERCE, INC. *3 Scope: Paper production at the Kumagaya and Mishima plants*4 Scope: LINTEC Corporation (head office, 10 production sites, and the Research Center) and TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC.12080400000 Note: Fuel means gasoline, light oil, kerosene, bunker-A oil, liquid natural gas (LNG), liquid petroleum gas (LPG), and utility gas.40200.40.22022 Waste Oil 2023kl/t0.646CO2 Emissions*1Water Usage*3EnvironmentTotal Energy Usage (Crude Oil Equivalent)*2Waste Generated*4Thousand tons Thousand m3 20,00015,00010,0005,0000(Fiscal years ended March 31)(Fiscal years ended March 31)Thousand kl Thousand tons planned targets for CO2 emissions reduction and energy savings. Accordingly, we expect to meet our goals for the LSV 2030-Stage 1 period. We are accelerating investments that can be made earlier than planned and formulated a road map to ensure we meet our goal of reducing CO2 emissions by 50% or more compared with fiscal 2013 levels by 2030. New wings currently under construction at the Kumagaya Plant (Saitama Prefecture) and the Doi Plant (Ehime Prefecture) are being planned as automated smart factories. We plan to roll out this approach to our other plants as well, further reducing CO2 emissions and costs. Waste Paper Sludge 2019 Purchased Power Per Unit (Energy Usage/Production)2020 Fuel 2021 Steam201920202021 Waste Plastic Other(Fiscal years ended March 31)(Fiscal years ended March 31)A Message from the Executive General Manager, Production Div.Environmental consideration is an important responsibility for us as a manufacturer. We actively engage in efforts targeting decreased CO2 emissions, energy savings, and waste reduction at all plants. In addition, the LINTEC Group is committed to reducing VOCs, which occur because of the prevalent use of organic solvents in the manufacture of adhesive products. In recent years, the introduction of environmentally friendly equipment such as cogeneration systems, high-efficiency boilers and chillers, waste heat recovery equipment, and solar power generation systems for in-house consumption has pushed us beyond our Environmental DataHiroyuki MatsuoDirector, Managing Executive Officer Executive General Manager, Production Div., and in charge of Quality Assurance Div. and Environment & Safety Div.
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