Release paperProduct processingCardboardLabel productsProduction and processing companies (product processing)Paper towelsToilet paperExamples of Products That Meet Various Environmental NeedsSolvent-lessTogether with more than 10 member companies, we will Alternatives to and reduction of plasticCompanies that use labelsGeneral consumersEnergy conservationCompanies that recycle paper (paper manufacturers)45Solvent-less release paper that does not use environmentally hazardous organic solvents when coating the release agent* J-ECOL: Japan Earth Conscious Labeling Association. Preparations for establishment began in June 2022, centering on four companies (SATO Corporation, Oji Tac Co., Ltd., Osaka Sealing Printing Co., Ltd., and LINTEC Corporation), and the association was estab-lished in May 2023. Thick water- and oil-resistant paper that can be used as an alternative material to plastic containers for boxed lunchesLabel materials that are the same mono-material as PET containers Please see our sustainability site for information disclo-sure based on recommendations of the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD). impact of production, the LINTEC Group is develop-ing and proposing environmentally friendly products that meet a wide range of needs: creating plastic-free products, reducing the amount of plastic used, reusing labeled items, recycling, and conserving energy.RecyclingWindow film that contributes to energy conservation by improving air-conditioning efficiency in rooms and vehiclesDeveloping and Proposing Various Types of Environmentally Friendly ProductsSpurred by the worsening of global warming caused by greenhouse gases and the increasing problem of marine plastic pollution, awareness of the environment has been heightened across society. As a result, there is a growing demand for various environmental considerations in our products. In addition to reducing the FOCUSParticipating in a Label Recycling Association to Promote the Recycling of Release PaperWe have established and are participating in a label recy-cling association (J-ECOL*) in collaboration with related companies to develop a system to recover and recycle release paper, which is used to protect the adhesive sur-faces of adhesive products for seals and labels. Used release paper, which amounts to approximately 110,000 tons annually in Japan, can be a valuable resource as a raw material for paper production. To date, this resource has not been used effectively due to various challenges related to infrastructure and technology. Through J-ECOL, we aim to build and establish a collection system for used release paper and develop recycling technologies to promote the use of release paper as a valuable recycled resource. study easily recyclable release paper and propose the use of recycled pulp extracted from the release paper, aiming to realize horizontal recycling of used release paper back into release paper in the future.
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