Integrated Report 2023

43Results21.4%Number of patent applications: 260 (FY2022)Number of patents held: 2,757 (as of March 31, 2023)39.7%0.36%The survey was not conducted in FY2022.Based on the results of the survey conducted in FY2021, requested improvement on 11 matters.2 cases0.760.014214.4%59.7%181 cases31%Decreased to 15 in FY2022 from 49 in FY201030 cases100%100%6 timesRelated SDGsLINTEC CorporationLINTEC CorporationLINTEC CorporationGroup companies in and outside JapanLINTEC Corporation’s head office, 10 production sites, and the Research Center, and TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC.LINTEC CorporationLINTEC CorporationGroup companies in JapanLINTEC Corporation’s 10 production sites and the Research Center, and TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC.LINTEC Corporation’s 10 production sites and the Research Center, and TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC.LINTEC CorporationLINTEC CorporationLINTEC CorporationLINTEC Corporation (excluding the Ina Technology Center), TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC., and SHONAN LINTEC KAKO, INC. LINTEC Corporation and TOKYO LINTEC KAKO, INC.LINTEC CorporationLINTEC CorporationLINTEC CorporationFor more detailed information, please visit our sustainability with Organizations covered have undergone third-party verification by SGS Japan, Inc.

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