Major Fields of Focus39Hot-melt-adhesive products for labels, which do not use organic chemicals in the production processinclude eliminating solvent-based products that emit large amounts of CO2 during combustion, making thinner film-based components derived from petroleum, developing products using plant-based biomass materials and biodegradable materials, and creating products that promote reuse and recycling.Examples of a laminate film that uses a biomass material as the facestock and achieves a thinner film* LCA: A life cycle assessment is a way to assess overall environmental impact by calculating inputs of energy, water, and raw materials across a product’s life cycle, as well as CO2 emissions and hazard-ous chemical substances.ElectronicsEnergyThermalResources and emissions3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle)• Pellicles for EUV lithography systems• Materials for next-generation device manufacturing processes, etc.• Ultra-thin thermoelectric modules• High-performance window film, etc.• Ultra-thin and lightweight Peltier modules• Film heaters, etc.• Biodegradable products• Biomass products, etc.• High-frequency dielectric heating adhesive film• Recyclable products, etc.Carbon Neutral Challenge Part of the LINTEC Group’s mission as a manufacturer is to con-sider the environment in the product development and production processes. The Group aims to become carbon neutral with net-zero CO2 emissions by 2050. Having adopted “Carbon Neutral Challenge” as its slogan, across all its development themes the Research & Development Division is moving forward with activities from the perspective of reducing environmental impact. We have selected themes that contribute significantly to reducing CO2 emissions, particularly from the perspective of LCA.* These efforts Creation of New Products and Businesses for the Next Generation To sustain growth, in addition to expanding existing operations, the LINTEC Group must create new products and businesses that go beyond the boundaries of conventional technologies. Under its long-term vision, LSV 2030, the Company is focusing efforts on the fields of electronics, energy, thermal, resources and emissions, and the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle). We aim to develop products that will be pillars of new businesses and help solve social issues.
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