1 Front-Loading Design2 One-Stop Development1 Front-Loading DesignWith a focus on carefully surveying customer needs and develop-ment processes, this method identifies development issues and risks, to the greatest extent possible, at the initial stage of product development. By implementing countermeasures in advance, we do our utmost to reduce the need to redo work at intermediate stages. This contributes to increased development efficiency and reduced costs.2 One-Stop DevelopmentThis approach involves simultaneously advancing the development of new materials and the development of processes for mass production. In the Research Center, large-scale testing and research facilities similar to the production facilities in our plants are used to collect various data necessary for mass production and to improve the speed of development leading up to mass production.3 Stage-Gate SystemThis is an internal process that divides the development status of R&D themes into five stages, and rigorously examines and deter-mines whether to advance a theme to the next stage or halt devel-opment. The aim is to prevent development from backtracking and to bring each theme to fruition steadily and quickly.3 Stage-Gate System37MarketsR&D with insight into the futureResearch CenterNew Materials Research Dept.Research Dept. Unexplored Technology Research Dept.Study and R&D of new materials and technologiescreationR&D with market dialogue-driven styleProduct Innovation Promotion DepartmentOptimization of overall R&D activities and creation of mechanisms for new business Open innovation through external collaborationIndustry–government–academia cooperationDevelopment of leading-edge materialsNano-Science & Technology Center (U.S.)R&D System The Research Center (Saitama Prefecture) of the Research & Development Division is the core base for the Group’s R&D activi-ties. The center has high-precision testing and analysis equip-ment, and a clean room, as well as the same equipment that is actually used by customers in semiconductor-related fields. Moreover, we have installed large-scale pilot coaters that closely resemble plant mass-production facilities, building systems for a smooth flow from R&D to mass production. The center includes the Product Research Department, which develops products directly connected to our current business, and the New Materials Research Department, which conducts R&D with a focus on the future. In addition, in April 2022 we established the Unexplored Technology Research Department and the Innovation Promotion Department. About 200 researchers are engaged in research on these themes. In addition, the Nano-Science & Technology Center, our R&D base in the U.S., focuses on the development of leading-edge materials, such as carbon nanotubes and artificial muscles, with the objective of establishing technologies and products that will drive new businesses for the Group.R&D Policy We are pursuing R&D to ensure that our focus themes make a real contribution to strengthening the competitiveness of existing businesses and creating new products and businesses. LINTEC is working to improve development efficiency and speed based on two key phrases: “front-loading design” and “one-stop development.” In addition, through coordination between the Research Center and the Business Administration Division, we have established the stage-gate system as an R&D scheme. Under this scheme, we are building a process that ensures results centered on medium- to long-term themes.
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