202020212022 Expenses (Consolidated)¥ Billion10. Research & Development Division divides its research themes into those for growing markets, such as Electronic and Optical Products; mature markets, including Printing and Industrial Materials Products and Paper and Converted Products; and new markets to expand our field of business. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, progress on research themes in these areas proceeded essentially according to plan. In growing markets, we have successfully developed products for use in semiconductor manufactur-ing, such as surface protective tape for high-bump wafers, as well as optically transparent adhesive sheets for flexible displays. In mature markets, we have introduced environ-mentally friendly products, including many solvent-less products, as well as products made from biomass and recycled materials. In new markets, we have made advances in the development of products such as ultra-thin and lightweight Peltier modules, gas barrier film, and millimeter-wave absorbing materials. many products possible that we have developed for new markets. In growing markets, we will leverage our techno-logical advantage to develop high-performance products This fiscal year, our top priority is to commercialize at as that will enable us to further expand our market share. In mature markets, we will continue to focus on developing environmentally friendly products to differentiate ourselves from competitors and add higher value. Also, digital trans-formation (DX) is an essential way for us to significantly improve our development efficiency. By reducing the time spent on administrative tasks and information gathering, we intend to create an environment where we can concentrate on research and development. Utilizing big data, machine learning tools, and other resources, we aim to accelerate the pace of development and create new businesses. We believe our strengths in R&D lie in our four core technologies, market dialogue-driven product development, and flexible corporate culture that encourages individual creativity. Over the years, we have enhanced our technologi-cal capabilities and responded customer needs by flexibly combining and further evolving our own material and pro-cess technologies. Moving forward, while maintaining a focus on in-house technology development, we will also embrace open innovation by incorporating technologies from other companies, as well as strengthening our research and development capabilities, through DX and by nurturing digital talent. We hope to help realize our long-term vision by developing products.8.3 Printing and Industrial Materials Products Electronic and Optical Products Paper and Converted Products2023(Fiscal years ended / ending March 31)R&D and Intellectual Property StrategyA Message from the Executive General Manager, Research & Development Div.Further Enhancing Our R&D Capabilities and Aiming to Create New Businesses and ProductsYoshihisa MineuraManaging Executive OfficerExecutive General Manager, Research & Development Div.
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