Integrated Report 2023

202220232024(Forecast)37.033.331.10403020102021Note: At the start of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2022, all products belonging to Industrial & Material Operations at MACTAC AMERICAS were transferred to Printing & Variable Information Products Operations. Results for the fiscal year ended March 31, 2021, have been restated to reflect this transfer.Net Sales: Industrial & Material OperationsLSV 2030-Stage 131¥ BillionBusiness Operations IntroductionThese operations manufacture and sell a wide range of products. Our window film offers various functions, cutting out solar radia-tion heat and ultraviolet light when it is attached to building and automobile windows, and preventing shattering when glass is broken. Other products include decorative film for interiors, film for outdoor signs and advertising, motorcycle- and automobile-use adhesive products for such applications as vehicle body deco-ration and protection, industrial-use adhesive tape for bonding components in mobile and other devices, and labeling machines for efficient automated labeling.Main Initiatives in Medium-term Business Plan LSV 2030-Stage 1• Expand sales of window film and develop high-performance products in Japan and overseas• Expand sales of automated systems centered on labeling technology• Launch new automotive products• Develop wall covering materials by applying digital printing28.2(Fiscal years ended / ending March 31)A Message from the Executive General Manager, Industrial & Material OperationsIn the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, the recovery in automobile manufacturing was delayed in Japan, but production trended upward overseas. As a result, auto-motive products performed well, and we posted strong sales of window film, particularly in the Indonesian market. Demand for window film for buildings also grew, driven by the effects of a new sample catalog and increasing security needs. Construction-related prod-ucts such as interior and exterior signage, also per-formed well, as events and exhibitions reopened.In the interest of boosting sales further and improv- ing profitability, in April 2023 we integrated two Group companies in Japan that specialize in the decorative film business, establishing a structure for creating synergies. In the industrial systems-related business, which is expected to see further growth in demand related to online sales, we will focus on meeting the need for automation driven by labor shortages. We will also concentrate on expanding sales of new electric labeling machines. For window film for automobiles, we will deploy promotions utilizing social media to convey the benefits of film installation to users and improve installation rates through increased awareness. Additionally, we will promote the adoption of solvent-less, biomass-based, and recycled materials.Industrial & Material OperationsHideki MiyakeExecutive OfficerExecutive General Manager, Industrial & Material Operations, Business Administration Div.

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