Integrated Report 2023

60202020212022• Revitalize internal communication to instill a mindset of change as part of our corporate culture• Develop digital human resources for strong personnel and a robust organization• Business Process Reengineering (BPR) that proac-tively utilizes digital technology• Build a mechanism that digitizes intuition and experi-ence to enable data-based decision-making• Improve sales efficiency with sales DX and build a system to develop products based on customer needs• Proactively communicate information inside and outside the Company• Consider reallocating and optimizing domestic and overseas systems2023202412.99.610.322.518.8SocietyIndispensableStakeholdersCreating value that exceeds expectationsThe CompanyContinues to change autonomouslyIndividualsAchieve digital literacy and pursue value that is unique to “you”Transforming Transforming processesprocessesUsing digital Using digital technology technology as a toolas a toolCreating Creating valuevalueCapital Expenditures (Consolidated)¥ Billion24Seven Transformation Themes of LDX 20301812the futureConceptual Diagram of LDX 203025A strong LINTEC creates Recently, attention has focused on a price-to-book value ratio (PBR) below 1.0 times reflecting investors’ low expecta-tions of future performance and growth potential. We recog-nize this as a significant issue. Based on our March year-end stock price, the Company’s PBR has not been above 1.0 times for the past five years, and our PBR was 0.65 time as of March 31, 2023. First, we believe that increasing profit attributable to owners of parent and improving ROE will be crucial to boosting our stock price. In addition to expanding the top line, improving profitability will be key. To this end, we have already begun internal discussions, including on how best to optimize our business portfolio. Initially, we will focus on such measures as revising prices, reassessing Our future investment strategy will focus first on capital expenditures in our growth businesses. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, capital expenditures reached a record ¥18.8 billion, mainly for the expansion of production facilities for multilayer ceramic capacitor-related tape and semiconductor-related adhesive tape. In the current fiscal year, we plan for capital expenditures of ¥22.5 billion, sur-passing last fiscal year’s total. A portion of this spending will go toward ongoing construction projects and environmental investments aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions. We also plan to set aside a record-high ¥9.4 billion for R&D expenses, and we will proactively make necessary invest-ments in line with our policy. We recognize that investing in digital fields is important for sustainable growth. With this understanding, in autumn 2022 we launched a cross-functional project, LDX 2030, to pro-mote our efforts regarding digital transformation (DX). In this Maximizing the power of people with the support of DX to create the futureunprofitable products, and reducing fixed costs in each busi-ness operation. Our ultimate goal is to establish a corporate structure that can generate profits even in a challenging business environment. In addition to looking at the sales and profitability levels of each business operation, we are creating balance sheets for each to draw more attention to asset efficiency. By clearly identifying the turnover ratios of accounts receivable, inven-tory, and fixed assets for each business operation, we aim to identify any issues and set key performance indicators (KPIs) therefor. This approach will enable us to focus on proper asset management and address any factors that may be sapping profitability.project, we have set seven transformation themes to achieve the key objectives of our long-term vision, LSV 2030. We have formulated a road map to execute and achieve these themes (Fiscal years ended / ending March 31)(Planned)Improvement of Profitability and Asset EfficiencyInvestment Strategy

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