03210202220232019202020212022202336.336.8(0.27)(0.87)83.681.547.70.56(1.14)2021(0.90)0.920.910.860.810.65The MACTAC Group’s Net Sales / Operating Income (Loss)¥ Billion ¥ Billion410075502520202019 Net Sales Operating Income (Loss) (right)0.750.500.25–10.00–2PBRTimes1.0024 (Fiscal years ended / ending December 31) (Forecast)In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, net sales rose ¥27.8 billion year on year, to ¥284.6 billion, reaching a record high. This expansion was the result of an acquisition in the U.S. as well as the impact of yen depreciation. However, we were affected by a number of negative factors on the profit front. We experienced sharp increases in raw material and fuel prices, including pulp, and demand for electronic- and optical-related products dropped off rapidly, leading to lower production facility utilization rates and a rise in operating losses. On the other hand, certain factors buoyed profits, such as the turnaround of MACTAC AMERICAS, LLC, due in part to the impact of acquisitions, thorough cost reduction efforts, and product price revisions. However, these factors were not enough to prevent operating income decreasing ¥7.8 billion, to ¥13.8 billion, and profit attributable to owners of parent falling ¥5.1 billion, to ¥11.5 billion. During the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024, we expect sales to rise and profits to decline due to the substantial impacts of a sluggish electronics market, particularly in the first half. We also anticipate, persistently high raw material and fuel prices, and a slowdown in the U.S. economy. The LINTEC Group will continue to focus on boosting earnings by thoroughly reducing costs, improving productivity, and revising prices. For the fiscal year, we assume an exchange rate of ¥135 to US$1. Recently, pulp prices have been falling, but considering the inventory purchased during the period of soaring prices, we assume a cost of ¥117/kg this fiscal year, compared with ¥110/kg in the previous fiscal year. A ¥1 change in pulp prices affects operating income by around ¥100 mil-lion. Also, our current fiscal year forecast does not include the impact of an acquisition of a business and related assets by a Group company in Canada, which we announced in May.(Ended March 31)A Message from the CFOWe aim to enhance corporate value in the areas of investor relations, finance, and information systems.Financial StrategyReview of the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2023, and Outlook for the FutureYoichi ShibanoDirector, Managing Executive Officer, and CFO, and Executive General Manager, Administration Div.
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