Integrated Report 2023

群t群t 群t群t Brand Identity Guideline 05Brand Identity Guideline 05Welsurt Environment Positive TypesetWelsurt Environment Negative TypesetWelsurt Social Positive TypesetWelsurt Social Negative TypesetWelsurt Environment Positive TypesetWelsurt Environment Negative TypesetWelsurt Social Positive TypesetWelsurt Social Negative TypesetSustainable Fields Where Welsurt Will Address IssuesWelsurt Vision to 2030Telecommunications (5G/6G)Saving of energyVision to 2023Products that support a smart society through the spread of 5G and advances in the IoTMedical and nursing careCreation of energyVision to 2025Products themed around an aging society and helping to protect the marine environmentIndustrial parts and materials Mobility(enhance productivity)Reusing and recyclingVision to 2030Products that will help with reducing CO2 emissions and commercializing 6G“manufacturing Conservation of marine resourcesTransitioning from products” to “building a sustainable society”21ティをティをmentティをmentティをCompanies, universities, other organizationsOpen innovation in the supply chainOpen innovation in productsCompanies, universities, other organizationsOur goal is to create value that addresses all these issues. In product development, in addition to applying its own core tech-nologies and overseas subsidiaries’ proprietary technologies, the Company will promote open innovation—we will collaborate on development, sharing related technologies with other companies, universities, and other external organizations. With Welsurt, we will go beyond our own manufacturing and strive to contribute to sustainable social development. Another key focus of the New Project Planning Office is developing human resources with a view past 2030. 使用使用Aiming to Realize Medium- to Long-Term Social and Corporate ValueBased on the concept of backcasting, the New Project Planning Office is progressing with medium- to long-term Welsurt product development in three phases, with 2023, 2025, and 2030 serving as milestones during our long-term vision for 2030. At each phase, we will take into account social issues and megatrends, such as the widespread adoption of the 5G high-speed telecommunica-tions standard, the practical application of the future 6G standard, advances in the Internet of Things and artificial intelligence, the increasing challenges posed by an aging population and labor shortages, and the growing demand to reduce CO2 emissions.

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