20“Create new products and businesses to deliver sustainable growth” is one of the key initiatives of LSV 2030, our long-term vision. In line with this aim, the Business Administration Division takes the lead in pro-moting product development and the search for new development themes to meet customers’ needs. Within this division, we have the Technical Planning Office, the New Project Planning Office, and the Next Generation Innovation Group, which handle different business and technology domains, and we work closely with the Research & Development Division and other divisions to create new value. Here, we introduce some of the New Project Planning Office’s initiatives.Roles of Organizations within the Business Administration Div. Aiming to Create New Products and BusinessesShort time spanMedium to long time spanMedium to long time spanUtilization of existing products and technologiesCreation of new businesses that go beyond the boundaries of existing businessesRealization of sustainable growthWell-being SustainableSmartA state of physical, mental, and social satisfactionRealization of sustainabilitySocial innovation using electronics technology and networksMarkets, societyValue Creation StrategySpecial FeatureExisting businessTechnical Planning OfficeMarketing and product develop-ment for existing businessesNew Project Planning OfficeDevelopment of new businesses by leveraging existing and new technologiesPurpose brandNext Generation Innovation GroupEstablishment of unique and innovative technologies and businesses that are not bound by existing businessesCreating a New Business Brand with the Objective of Resolving Various Social IssuesCurrently, the New Project Planning Office is strengthening its R&D efforts to create new products and businesses, with a focus on areas such as the saving of energy, the creation of energy, the conservation of marine resources, information and communica-tion technology/electronics, mobility, and medical/nursing care. In July 2022, the office announced the new purpose brand Welsurt to address each of these development themes. The brand name represents our commitment to helping resolve various issues toward the realization of a sustainable society where everyone can live a vibrant life. We aim to tackle environmental and social issues by integrating new technologies with the unique adhesive, release, and papermaking technologies we have cultivated to date.Aiming to Create New Value
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