Integrated Report 2023

19technology and leverage advanced materials such as carbon nanotubes at our R&D base in the U.S. We aim to collaborate with other companies and universities to bring our products more promptly to market. We expect the operating environment to remain difficult in the Company’s 130th fiscal period (the fiscal year ending March 31, 2024). We will overcome such an envi-ronment by harnessing the collective strength of the LINTEC Group. Additionally, under LSV 2030-Stage 2, which begins next fiscal year, we will incorporate new measures based on the current situation and make a fresh start toward achieving our targets under LSV 2030. Despite the challenging environment, the LINTEC Group remains committed to taking an aggressive approach in See pages 20–23 for details. We will also strive to create an environment that wel-comes ideas and proposals for new products from all parts of the Company.areas slated for future growth, including R&D expenses, capital expenditures, and M&A activities involving major synergies and technology acquisitions. its corporate value by implementing a “value creation cycle,” in which we create value together with all our stakeholders, return the resulting profits to our share-holders and society, and invest for further growth. of our stakeholders going forward.The LINTEC Group will work to continuously enhance I am grateful to and ask for the unwavering support In ConclusionMakoto HattoriRepresentative DirectorPresident, CEO and COO

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