18A Message from the PresidentCollaborating with Stakeholders for Value Creation and Enhancing Human Capital One of the LINTEC Group’s aims for 2030 is to be the most important and strongest supporter of its customers in their efforts to win out in a variety of markets. By leveraging our technological development and manufac-turing capabilities, we want to achieve perfect customer satisfaction, not just be content with our current cus-tomer satisfaction levels. To achieve this, we rely on not only the efforts of all employees involved in product development, manufacturing, sales, and related opera-tions but also the cooperation of many stakeholders, including the suppliers who provide us with high-quality materials. No company exists on its own. Rather, a com-pany exists owing to various stakeholders, and we will work in tandem with each stakeholder to create value and improve productivity. At the same time, we will enhance corporate value by appropriately distributing the earnings and results we generate. Our employees are particularly important assets of the Company and are essential for LINTEC’s sustainable growth and development. We will continue to improve employee treatment, including base salary increases, to enhance employee engagement and productivity. We invest in our people, providing educational programs tailored to employees’ roles and abilities, and strive to cultivate talented employees who can thrive in global society. We have also recently introduced succession plans to foster the long-term development of management executives, in a bid to cultivate and secure human resources who will be the backbone of the Company. We focus on creating systems that make it easier for employ-ees to continue working even during major life events, such as childbirth, child-rearing, and caregiving, and pro-mote the active engagement of diverse personnel, includ-ing women. In the fiscal year ended March 31, 2023, we conducted an employee survey for the first time at LINTEC and its Group companies in Japan. Based on the analysis of the results, we intend to enhance employee satisfaction and create a pleasant and invigorating workplace.and other petrochemical-based products into plastic-free and biomass-based products and developing prod-ucts that help with the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, and recycle). To create a system for collecting and recycling custom-ers’ used release paper, we established the association Japan Earth-Conscious Labeling with an affiliate, and we are taking part in J-ECOL. Going forward, we will work to create and establish a collection system and recycling technologies to turn used release post-use release paper into a recycled resource. See page 45 for details.Strengthening the Corporate StructureTo achieve an operating income margin of 12% or higher and ROE of 10% or higher by the fiscal year ending March 31, 2030, we need to foster innovation to build a robust corporate structure. This will require us to achieve digital transformation (DX)—utilizing digital technologies to transform our business models and operational processes. To that end, we launched a Companywide DX promotion project (LDX 2030) last October, with a focus on the Information Systems Department and Business Process Re-engineering Office. We are actively building the foundation to achieve business reform and nurture digitally expert personnel. In the future, we expect to reap such benefits as improved operational efficiency, cost reductions, and work-style reforms in various processes including design, development, manufacturing, and logistics. We recognize restructuring low-growth, unprofitable businesses as an urgent challenge. Internally, we are conducting discussions that include optimizing our business portfolio and setting criteria for withdrawing from businesses. Our first step is to pursue thorough cost reductions and streamline product portfolios. Additionally, we will improve asset utilization for each business operation. Meanwhile, to ensure that we do not miss out on opportunities when the business environ-ment improves, especially in the electronics sector, we are actively engaging in capital expenditures so that we can ramp up production when demand grows.Creating New Products and BusinessesCreating new products and businesses is essential in helping solve social issues and achieving sustainable growth. LINTEC has long embraced a market-dialogue style of R&D, in which research staff accompany sales representatives on customer visits to foster direct com-munication. These efforts to address customer and social needs while further cultivating our own technologies have helped expand our business through the development of innovative new products. This history of innovation is central to the Company, and its spirit is deeply rooted within our organization. LSV 2030 calls for us to “create new products and businesses driven by technological innovation.” In addi-tion to cutting-edge themes in traditional business areas, we are developing products and businesses that help solve social issues in fields such as telecommunications, electronics, mobility, energy, healthcare, and nursing care. In 2022, we launched a new brand, Welsurt, to rein-force technological development and product proposals in each of these fields. As part of product development efforts under this brand, we apply our unique sheeting
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