Integrated Report 2023

36 Editorial PolicyThis report is meant to help shareholders and investors understand the LINTEC Group and its quest to achieve sustainable growth and contribute to the further development of society as a whole. With reference to various guidelines, this report introduces not only business results and financial information but also intangible assets that are not included in the financial statements, such as the Group’s R&D capabilities and human resource strengths. Please refer to the Company’s website and sustainability report, which provide additional information that is not included in this report.Reporting PeriodThis report covers the period from April 1, 2022, to March 31, 2023. However, some of the information includes content from April 1, 2023, onward.Forward-Looking StatementsThis report includes forward-looking statements, such as forecasts of business results, based on information currently held and assumptions that have been judged as reasonable by the Company. The Company cannot guarantee the accuracy of these statements or definitively assure the realization of future numerical targets and policies. Actual business results, etc., may vary due to various factors.Guidelines Used as ReferencesIFRS Foundation: International Integrated Reporting Framework Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry: Guidance for Collaborative Value Creation2 4 6 Company Motto / Mission StatementLINTEC’s HistoryLINTEC’s Strengths13 Our Long-Term Vision, LSV 203014 A Message from the President20 Special Feature Aiming to Create New Value Financial Strategy A Message from the CFO24 27 Business Strategy 27 A Message from the Executive General Manager, Business Administration Div.41 Sustainability Promotion System42 Material Issues (Important Issues)44 Environment47 Society50 Governance60 Financial Summary62 Consolidated Balance Sheet64 Consolidated Statement of Income / Consolidated Statement of Comprehensive Income  8 LINTEC’s Value Creation Process10 Performance Highlights28 Three Business Segments30 Printing and Industrial Materials Products32 Electronic and Optical Products34 Paper and Converted Products R&D and Intellectual Property Strategy54 Messages from Independent Outside Directors56 Corporate Officers58 External Evaluations65 Consolidated Statement of Changes in Net Assets Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows Corporate Information / Investor Information66 67 ContentsValue CreationValue Creation StrategySustainabilityFinancial and Other Information

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