Integrated Report 2023

Road Map for Reducing CO2 Emissions17Fiscal 2013 (Fiscal year ended March 31, 2014)Approximately 295,000 tonsFiscal 2022 (Fiscal year ended March 31, 2023)Approximately 178,000 tonsDown 39.7%By 2030, achieve reduction of 50% or more compared with fiscal 2013Net zero by 2050Notes: Based on our calculations of Scope 1 and 2 emissions for the entire LINTEC Group The figure for fiscal 2013 is an estimate that include the retroactive addition of CO2 emissions from subsidiaries that joined the Group thereafter.Reducing Environmental ImpactOf the social issues the Company needs to address, reducing greenhouse gas emissions is a crucial mission. More than two years have passed since the launch of LSV 2030, our long-term vision. As its full name suggests, the key word of our vision is “sustainability,” and we have been practicing sustainability management to improve corpo-rate value while putting environmental, social, and gover-nance (ESG) factors at the core of management. The foundation of this approach is our promotion system, which centers on the Sustainability Committee. Composed mainly of members of top management, the committee discusses our basic policy and action plans and oversees progress, and we field meaningful opinions from all out-side directors at each meeting. As society continues to change, we place a high value on the expertise and objec-tive perspectives our outside directors offer. Their opinions contribute substantially to confirming the direction of LSV 2030 in our approach to realizing our long-term vision. Under the Sustainability Committee, we have estab-lished four committees and five subcommittees to address ESG factors, the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), risk management, and the enhancement of communication with stakeholders. Employees from across the Company serve on these bodies, ensuring the participation of a large membership. Additionally, I con-sistently emphasize the importance of sustainability during meetings and throughout articles in our internal and external newsletters. I believe we will need to assid-uously repeat such explanations to ensure the direction LINTEC aims to pursue has permeated throughout the entire Group. Going forward, we will help resolve social issues through our business activities and strive for development and growth alongside society by vigorously promoting the key initiatives outlined in LSV 2030.The LINTEC Group is therefore actively making capital expenditures to reduce CO2 emissions. In fact, we plan to invest more than ¥10.0 billion during the period of LSV 2030. However, we believe investing in environmental initiatives is not simply a cost increase; it has positive roll-on effects. For example, the additional equipment for papermaking processes being installed at the Kumagaya Plant (Saitama Prefecture) and the Mishima Plant (Ehime Prefecture) will reduce CO2 emissions and energy used in the drying process. It will also improve productivity, lower costs, and enhance quality. Going forward, we plan to invest aggressively in such areas. At the same time, the LINTEC Group has set the goal of lowering its CO2 emissions by more than 50% compared with fiscal 2013 levels by 2030 and to reach net-zero emissions (carbon neutrality) by 2050. Our baseline CO2 emissions for fiscal 2013, which includes emissions from subsidiaries that have joined the LINTEC Group since then, are approximately 295,000 tons. In fiscal 2022, emissions totaled 178,000 tons, down 39.7% against fiscal 2013 levels. compound (VOC) as a dilutive solvent during the manufac-ture of adhesive products and release paper. We are working to reduce the use of VOCs to lower our environ-mental impact. We are using emulsion-based or hot melt-type adhesives, which do not require organic sol-vents, and promoting the transition to solvent-less release paper products. We are also gradually installing coating equipment for solvent-less release paper, and we aim to raise our percentage of such paper from 64% at present to 100% by 2030. The transition to solvent-less alternatives also helps reduce the amount of CO2 emis-sions generated during the incineration of organic sol-vents, playing a crucial role in our decarbonization efforts. The LINTEC Group uses toluene, a volatile organic In addition, we are promoting the conversion of film State of Progress of LSV 2030

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