Integrated Report 2020

LINTEC Integrated Report 202013Many of the products that we manufacture and sell are intermediate materials that are difficult for consumers to see. However, we are providing these products as components that are indispensable for end products, and we have many products with leading shares in niche markets. In addition, another distinctive feature of our operations is our ability to accommodate small lot produc-tion of a wide variety of products for quick delivery. We have built unrivaled, distinctive positions in a wide range of fields, from color papers for envelopes and other specialty papers to adhesive papers and films for labels, as well as tapes and equipment used in the production of semiconductors.Building Distinctive Positions in a Wide Range of FieldsWith domestic markets contracting and our customers moving their production bases overseas, we have advanced the globaliza-tion of our businesses. The basic concept of these initiatives is local production, under which we produce and provide a stable supply of products in locations that are closer to our customers. Currently, we have 38 consolidated subsidiaries with about 5,000 employees in 19 countries and regions, and our overseas sales ratio has increased to approximately 50%. Moving forward, we will work to further strengthen our global production and sales system, with a view toward expansion into areas where we do not yet have a presence.Aggressively Advancing Business GlobalizationProducts with high shares in niche markets Global Network (As of March 31, 2020) Adhesive products for labelsSemiconductor-related tapes and equipment4,948North America:12companiesOverseas sales ratioNumber of employees (Consolidated)49.4%Fiscal year ended March 31, 2020Europe: 3 companiesAsia:23 companiesColor papers for envelopes23Financial InformationFoundationStrategyOverview

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