Integrated Report 2019
13LINTEC INTEGRATED REPORT 20192019Feb.Mar. Nov.Jan.Dec.Oct.E February 15Launched a lighting film that brightens an entire room when applied to window glassC June 20Launched label-stocks that offers superior durability and meets marine transportation standardsD July 17Launched aluminum vapor deposition labelstocks that use recycled PET7 November 30Our invitations of people with disabilities and others to watch professional baseball games were highly regarded, and we acquired Tokyo Sports Promotion Company certification for the fourth consecutive year8 December 21 to 24Supported Japan Figure Skating Championships 20189 February 27Participated in the SMBC NIKKO Japan Series “Executive Conference Tokyo” and conducted IR meetings for overseas institutional investors11 March 7Participated in Daiwa Investment Conference Tokyo and conducted IR meetings with overseas institutional investorsBefore installationAfter installation5 October 8Held a jazz concert for people with disabilities and other people who live in Itabashi-ku, Tokyo10 March 4Opened the Chongqing office of LINTEC (SUZHOU) TECH CORPORATION, a subsidiary in China6 November 1U.S. subsidiary MADICO, INC., transferred its head office func-tions to a new base in FloridaIR Website: Please consider using LINTEC’s IR news mailing service.To deliver a wide range of news to shareholders and investors, including financial results and new product information, LINTEC offers an investor relations mail distribution service. If you would like to receive this service, please register on the investor relations section of the Company’s website. The QR code on the right can be used for easy access.E567891011Financial InformationESGStrategyOverview