Corporate Brochure

LINTEC provides various adhesive paper and film that are used as labels and seals for commodity items, food products, consumer elec-tronics, and other items. By developing a diverse range of products that utilize LINTEC’s unique technologies, we are responding to users’ needs that vary based on application and usage environment.主な用途と要求性能Main applications and required capabilities■主な製品 Main products製品詳細サイト:www.livasta-labels.com日用品や食品、家電製品などの表示ラベルやシールとして用いられる、粘着紙・粘着フィルムをご提供しています。独自の技術を生かした多種多様な製品開発で、用途や使用環境などによって異なるさまざまなニーズにお応えしています。リンテックのラベル素材LINTEC’s labelstocksLivasta(リバスタ)• • シール・ラベル用 粘着紙・粘着フィルム• • バーコードラベル用 粘着紙・粘着フィルム•• Adhesive papers and films for seals and labels•• Adhesive papers and films for barcode labelsPrinting- and variable information-related products日用品関連For commodity items容器にしっかりと貼れる曲面貼付性、商品の顔としての高い意匠性などが求められます。These products must be able to hold firmly to curved containers and must have supe-rior design as they become the face of the item they are attached to.家電関連For consumer electronics-related products長期間の使用を見据えた耐久性や、機器が熱くなっても剥がれにくい 耐熱性などのニーズがあります。These products meet various needs, such as durability allowing for longer use and heat resistance to ensure the product does not peel o when appliances become hot.医療・医薬関連For medical and pharmaceutical items高精細の印字適性や、アルコールなどに対する印字面の耐薬品性も重要です。These products must be able to print high-resolution letters on surfaces that are resis-tant to alcohol and・飲料関連For food- and drink-related products冷蔵・冷凍保存も可能な低温接着性や、 調理に適した耐熱性などが必要となります。These products must have low-temperature resistance for retaining adhesion during cold and frozen storage and heat resistance levels suited to cooking.流通・通販関連For distribution and online sales products配送中に欠落しない粘着力のほか、こすれても印字がかすれない耐擦過性が必須です。Products for this field must have sucient adhesive strength to avoid peeling during delivery as well as abrasion resistance to prevent letters from being scratched o.自動車関連For automobile-related productsエンジンルームなどの過酷な環境下でも剥がれない耐久性や耐熱性が要求されます。Durability and heat resistance is vital to ensure that these products can stay applied even under harsh conditions in engine compartments and other industrial scenes.印刷・情報材関連製品

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