Corporate Brochure

P.■■参照See page ■■ for details.P.■■参照See page ■■ for details.P.■■参照See page ■■ for details.■ファストフード店のポテトフライなどの包み紙に、当社の耐油耐水紙が使用されています。Our oil- and water-resistant paper is being used at fast food res-taurants as wrapping for food products such as french fries.さまざまな風合いの合成皮革の柄を形成する際、型紙として当社の剥離紙が使われます。LINTEC’s release paper is used as a pattern for creating synthetic leather with various designs.テレビやパソコンなどの各種電子機器に搭載される半導体チップの製造や、積層セラミックコンデンサの内部構造の形成にも、当社の最先端技術を結集した特殊な粘着テープや剥離フィルムが使われています。Semiconductor chips and mul-tilayer ceramic capacitors are found in a wide range of elec-tronics, including televisions and personal computers. Used in manufacturing semicon-ductor chips and forming the internal structure of multilayer ceramic capacitors, LINTEC’s specialty adhesive tape and release film are the culmination of our advanced technologies.

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