海外売上高比率Overseas sales ratioグローバル展開を積極的に推進してきたことにより、当社グループの海外売上高比率は■■■を超えました。今後もグローバル化を推し進め、海外市場での拡販に努めていきます。日本 Japan リンテック株式会社(本社) LINTEC CORPORATION (Head Oce)韓国 Korea LINTEC KOREA, INC. LINTEC SPECIALITY FILMS (KOREA), INC. LINTEC ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES (KOREA), INC.台湾 Taiwan LINTEC SPECIALITY FILMS (TAIWAN), INC. LINTEC HI-TECH (TAIWAN), INC. LINTEC ADVANCED TECHNOLOGIES (TAIWAN), INC. Hsinchu Oce 26%■■■■/■■■■■/■■■■■/■■■■■/■■■■■/■ 海外売上高 49%39%33% 連結売上高 Overseas sales Net sales61%海外主要生産拠点Overseas production sites カナダ Canada MACTAC CANADA LTD. MADICO WINDOW FILMS CANADA, ULC Madico Canada East Madico Canada Westアメリカ United States LINTEC USA HOLDING, INC. LINTEC OF AMERICA, INC.メキシコ Mexico MACTAC MEXICO, S.A. DE C.V. ■The LINTEC Group has achieved an overseas ratio of over ■■% by actively promoting global expansion. The Group will continue to advance business glo-balization and work to increase sales in overseas markets.琳得科(蘇州)科技有限公司LINTEC (SUZHOU) TECH CORPORATIONシール・ラベル用粘着製品、合成 皮革用工程紙などの製造販売Manufacturing and sales of adhe-sive products for seals and labels and casting paper for synthetic leatherMACTAC AMERICAS, LLCシール・ラベル用粘着製品、大判プリント関連製品、工業用粘着テープなどの製造販売Manufacturing and sales of adhesive products for seals and labels, large-sized printing-related products, and industrial-use adhesive tape Chicago Oce Nano-Science & Technology Center Oregon Application Center MACTAC AMERICAS, LLC Columbus Plant Scranton Plant Spartanburg Plant Minneapolis Plant Troy Plant MADICO, INC. Madico Southeast Madico Florida Madico South Texas Madico Mid-America Madico Southwest Madico West VDI, LLCPT. LINTEC INDONESIAシール・ラベル用粘着製品、二輪用・自動車用粘着製品などの製造販売Manufacturing and sales of adhe-sive products for seals and labels and motorcycle- and automobile-use adhesive productsMADICO, INC.建物・自動車用ウインドーフィルム、特殊機能性フィルムなどの製造販売Manufacturing and sales of window film for buildings and automobiles and special function film 生産子会社 Manufacturing subsidiary 販売子会社、事務所 Sales subsidiary, oce 地域統括会社 Regional headquarters 子会社の工場、支店、研究開発拠点など Plants, branch oces, and R&D oces of subsidiariesLINTEC (THAILAND) CO., LTD.シール・ラベル用粘着製品、二輪用・自動車用粘着製品、粘着製品用剥離紙などの製造販売Manufacturing and sales of adhe-sive products for seals and labels, motorcycle- and automobile-use adhesive products, and release paper for adhesive productsLINTEC KOREA, INC.半導体関連粘着テープ、積層セラミックコンデンサ関連テープなどの製造販売Manufacturing and sales of semi-conductor-related adhesive tape and multilayer ceramic capacitor-related tape
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