… to the future through technologies. We are LINTEC.The company name LINTEC derives from “linkage” and “tech-nology,” two key components of our business philosophy, which emphasizes the importance of close relations, inside and out-side the company, and leading-edge R&D programs. By bringing these together to develop innovative solutions, we have estab-lished a reputation in Japan and overseas as a dynamic and reliable company that contributes to the prosperity of our stakeholders, to the growth of our industry, and to a brighter future for soci-ety as a whole. And underpinning all of our business activities is an unwavering emphasis on “Sincerity and Creativity,” the twin values enshrined in our company motto.社是 Company motto経営理念 Mission statement社名の「リンテック」、すなわち“リンケージ(結合)”と“テクノロジー”および社是「至誠と創造」に裏付けされる人の和、技術開発力を基軸とし、国内・海外の業界において、誰からも信頼される力強い躍動感あふれる会社として社会に貢献し、株主各位・顧客・社員家族の期待に応える斬新な経営を推進します。Sincerity and Creativity「明日を考え、今日を築こう」For tomorrow we build today至誠と創造夢を明日へつなぐ技術。私たちはリンテックです。
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