■■Quality Assurance当社ではハイレベルなクリーン工棟や最新鋭の生産設備を有し、生産現場と研究開発、営業が三位一体となったモノづくりでお客様のニーズにお応えしています。品質・環境マネジメントシステムはもちろん、事業継続マネジメントシステムの運用にも積極的に取り組み、高品質な製品の安定供給に努めています。LINTEC possesses production sites that are equipped with advanced clean rooms and production facilities, and responds to customer needs through a manufacturing approach that links production sites, research and development, and sales. We also ensure stable supplies of high-quality products by actively utilizing our quality and environmental manage-ment systems as well as our business continuity management systems.We provide timely and stable supplies of high-quality products.生産技術・品質保証Production Technologies & 高品質な製品をタイムリーかつ安定的にご提供します。
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