■■Research & Development“技術立社”を標榜するリンテックにとって、技術力・研究開発力こそが成長のエンジンといえます。当社では研究開発本部が中心となり、お客様の課題を解決する製品、そしてこれまでにない独創的な市場牽引型製品の開発を行っています。今後も製品開発のスピードアップや新規技術の確立を目指し、体制強化を進めていきます。As a technology-centered company, technological and R&D capabilities are the primary growth drivers for LINTEC. We are advancing the develop-ment of products, primarily in our Research & Development Div. that resolve issues faced by customers as well as innovative, market-leading products that have never been seen before. Going forward, we will fur -ther strengthen our R&D systems to accelerate the speed of product development and create new technologies.The Research Center is the core base for the Groupʼs R&D activities. The center comprises the Product Research Dept., which develops products directly connected to our current business, and the New Materials Research Dept., which conducts R&D with a focus on the future. Centered on these departments, a sta of approximately ■■■ people engage in day-to-day research. In addition, all of our original technologies for developing sheet materials, which represent the Groupʼs core tech-nologies, are created at the Research Center.けんいん当社グループの研究開発における中核拠点である研究所では、現業に直結する製品開発を行う「製品研究部」や、将来を見据えた研究開発を行う「新素材研究部」を中心に、約■■■人の研究スタッフが日々研究に励んでいます。当社グループの中核技術ともいえる独自のシート材料開発技術は、全てここから生み出されています。As a technology-centered company, we are progressively strengthening R&D capabilities.研究開発技術立社として、さらなる 研究開発力の強化を進めています。
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