LINTEC endows paper and film with special functions, such as releasability, water resistance, heat resistance, and abrasion resistance, to create release paper and film that protect the adhe-sive surfaces of various adhesive products. We also provide casting paper such as that used for manufacturing synthetic leather and carbon fiber composite materials.This paper is used as a base when solidifying fine, hair-like carbon fiber into sheets. This high-quality casting paper is used in the production of carbon fiber composite materials, such as golf clubs, fishing poles, and components of aircraft bodies.■■工程紙の上に樹脂を塗って基布を貼り合わせ、乾燥後に工程紙を剥がすことで柄を転写します。Casting paper coated with resins is axed to a backing and then dried and removed to imprint synthetic leather with patterns.樹脂を塗った工程紙の上に炭素繊維を並べ、もう■枚の工程紙で挟んでから、熱を加えて半硬化させます。Carbon fibers are placed on top of a resin-coated sheet of casting paper, and then covered with another sheet of casting paper and partially hardened through heating.主な製品 Main productsIn the production of synthetic leather, which is used in such products as shoes and handbags, casting paper is used for imprinting patterns. LINTEC has a broad lineup of this paper, including products for creating such patterns as enamel finish and calfskin finish, and we develop new designs to match the change of trends with each year.For more information: www.castingpapers.com紙やフィルムに剥離適性、耐水性、耐熱性、耐摩耗性などの機能を付与することで、各種粘着製品の粘着剤面を保護する剥離紙・剥離フィルムをはじめ、合成皮革や炭素繊維成形品の製造工程で使用される工程紙などをご提供しています。リンテックの工程紙LINTEC’s casting papers靴やかばんなどに使われる合成皮革の製造工程で、柄をつけるための型紙として使用されます。エナメル調、カーフ(子牛革)調など多彩な柄を取りそろえており、毎年の流行に合わせた新柄も開発しています。基布Backing接着剤Adhesive樹脂Resin工程紙Casting paper合成皮革Synthetic leather乾燥Drying工程紙Casting paper髪の毛のように細い炭素繊維をシート状に固める際の台紙と、さらには航空機のボして使用されます。ゴルフクラブや釣り竿ディー部材といった炭素繊維成形品の製造工程で使用される高品質な工程紙です。炭素繊維Carbon fiber炭素繊維Carbon fiber工程紙 Casting paper工程紙 Casting paper炭素繊維Carbon fiber炭素繊維Carbon fiber熱硬化樹脂Thermoset resin熱硬化樹脂Thermoset resin工程紙Casting paper工程紙Casting paper• • 粘着製品用剥離紙• • 光学関連製品用 剥離フィルム• • 合成皮革用工程紙• • 炭素繊維複合材料用 工程紙•• Release papers for adhesive products•• Release films for optical-related products•• Casting papers for synthetic leather•• Casting papers for carbon fiber composite materialsざお炭素繊維シートCarbon fiber sheet炭素繊維シートCarbon fiber sheetRelease papers and films合成皮革用工程紙Casting papers for synthetic leather炭素繊維複合材料用工程紙Casting papers for carbon fiber composite materials剥離紙・剥離フィルム
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