Environmental Report

Realization of a Recycling-oriented Society

Aiming to realize a sustainable world with a sustainable economy and a sustainable environment, the LINTEC Group is striving to reduce the amount of waste generated from a range of processes involved in various stages from design to production.

Reducing Waste

In addition to the ongoing 3Rs activities (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) aimed at generating less waste, we are making efforts to achieve a zero landfill disposal rate in Japan. Specifically, we identify the disposal method of each disposal firm (material recycling, thermal recycling, landfilling) and search for firms that promote the effective use of materials that would otherwise be disposed of as waste. We are also encouraging a switch to recyclable raw materials and finer classification of waste.
In accordance with the Act on Promotion of Resource Circulation for Plastics that came into effect in April 2022, we have developed necessary education and training programs and management systems and set targets for reducing waste generation and promoting recycling. We are also collecting relevant data from LINTEC and its group companies in Japan and disclosing the data in a compiled form.

  • Zero landfill disposal rate: LINTEC’s standard is a final landfill disposal rate (= Final landfill disposal amount/Amount of waste generated × 100) of 1% or less.

Circular Economy

We are promoting a transition to a circular economy, in which resources are circulated from product production to product use and then to recycling, with product design that limits the generation of waste and pollution from products and production, and the effective use of recycled materials to reduce consumption of new resources.
To reduce marine plastic waste, LINTEC CORPORATION has been a member of CLOMA, and is making efforts as a corporate citizen to propose and promote environmentally friendly products. Also, in response to the enforcement of the Plastic Resource Circulation Act (Act on Promotion of Resource Circulation for Plastics), which responds to the issues of marine plastic waste, climate change, and tightened regulations on waste imports in other countries, we will work on initiatives to reduce the amount of plastic used at the stages of design and manufacturing, reduce the amount discharged, and recycle plastic.

  • CLOMA: Clean Ocean Material Alliance. A public-private collaboration platform hosted by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry to accelerate innovation aimed at reducing marine plastic waste through promoting the sustainable use of plastic products and developing and applying alternative materials.
  • Note: Go to the Topics page.

Sustainable Raw Material Procurement

LINTEC promotes sustainable raw material procurement in accordance with the LINTEC Procurement Policy. We confirm the stable supply of raw materials from our partners through questionnaire surveys. We also study and organize information related to the production of raw materials. If an incident occurs, we will promptly identify the raw materials that may be affected and take measures so that procurement of the materials will continue.